You're Not Lazy. You're Just Lost.

Laziness is more rare than you think. And I don't think you're lazy.

The Problem With Laziness


I really don’t like that word.


Well, let’s look at how we typically use “lazy” in a sentence:

“Man, I’m too lazy to make food right now. I think I’ll just order DoorDash instead.”

Here, the word “lazy” implies that you are unwilling to use the energy needed to cook.

But why? Does that mean this energy never existed?

Or was it actually just directed towards something else?

People love to call themselves “lazy” as if they don’t spend the majority of their day putting in energy towards something—whether that be work, children, finances, or stimulation.

And then, when it gets towards the part of the day where their energy stores are depleted, they associate it with laziness, instead of a drainage in those energy stores.

I think this is the completely wrong way to go about getting yourself to do more things (or do more of the “right” things.)

I promise you, the vast majority of humans (including you) are not truly lazy people.

I know of very few people (if any) who just want to lounge around and do nothing all day every day.

It completely goes against what we’re wired for.

If you find yourself being “lazy”, what’s really happening is:

  • You directed your limited resources of willpower and focus towards something else (like I explained before)

  • You are sick—and this could be sickness in the form of depression, illness, or something else that temporarily tampers with your health.

  • You are uninspired, because what you chose to direct your willpower and focus on was something that doesn’t produce more motivation or willpower.

Even scrolling on social media is not laziness.

Scrolling on social media is addictive, yes, but our brain is processing an absurd amount of information every second we are on it.

The last thing your brain is doing in that moment, is being lazy.

So therein lies the secret: You can throw the word “lazy” out of the words you use to describe yourself completely, and instead, label yourself as someone who is one of the three things listed above.

And with that mindset, it becomes much easier to strategize what you can do to change those things.

You’re directing your willpower and focus towards other things? Find a way to use less brain power, or limit the usage of these things by being more intentional with your time.

You’re sick? Do as much as you can to take care of your body and brain during the day—like eating whole foods, meditating, getting proper sleep, and exercising consistently—so that you feel more of a drive for things that actually help you get to where you want to be in life.

You’re uninspired? Break out of your routine for a while. Do the exact opposite of what you usually do. Change your physiological state and wake yourself up through movement.

But the LAST thing you should do… is start to think you’re lazy.

Analyze what you’re putting your energy towards, direct that energy towards things that produce more energy more consistently, and soon, you will come to realize that you were never lazy at all.

You were just lost.

Redirecting Your Energy

Becoming self-aware enough to know where your limited energy is going is one thing.

But it’s another thing entirely to use that self-awareness to start redirecting your life towards it’s greatest potential.

I wished that there was a resource to help people understand what they’re actually capable of (which is always WAY more than what they think), and teach them the methods that I’ve used over the years to become the most financially, mentally, and physically fulfilled I’ve ever been.

A resource that would make you wake up and be proud of the life you’ve created, but also have such a level of peace that any unexpected occurrences could be let go without even having to try.

And that is why I created my Ultimate Self Mastery School.

The Ultimate Self Mastery School is a place for those who want to actualize their greatest potential, strengthen their self awareness, build better habits, and develop a fulfilling life.

The school features 14 videos with 15+ worksheets, a guided meditation, and an exclusive community where we all hold each other accountable and give further advice.

This course is a culmination of years of research on behavioral science, psychology, and of course, trial and error from my own life.

And it’s specifically designed for those who want to go deeper than superficial YouTube videos/articles, and gain a better understanding of themself.

Being able to actually apply the advice you receive, and get consistent feedback from like-minded people are probably the two most important factors in seeing permanent change.

And I’m guessing you currently feel like you can’t talk to anyone in real life about your struggles with self-development, right?

That’s why our community meets in a group coaching call every other week to make sure we are all staying on the path towards self mastery.

It’s also been an incredible way for everyone to open up about things that they have been going through, have accountability surrounding the habits we are trying to build/remove, and get feedback and advice without judgement.

And because of that, the friendships in there feel genuine.

It’s easily the most fulfilling thing I’ve ever created.

Here's some recent wins from our community:

So If you're ready to join our community, finally have that rare group of inspiring people you’ve been struggling to find in real life, and create your next chapter, you can check out all the details by clicking here.

Watch the intro video on that page to see if the course is right for you.

Hope to see you in the community.

Quote of The Week

“There is no such thing as a lazy person; they are either sick, or uninspired.”

Zig Ziglar

Thanks for reading, everyone. Hope you enjoy your weekend.



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