How To Know What's Truly Meant For You

This ended all my confusion about my life path.

There I was, staring at the Google results after typing the words, “Should I drop out of college” into the search bar.

It was the start of my junior year of college, and I found myself completely dumbfounded with what direction I should go in.

I had already come this far with my computer science major, and I was still on track to finish my degree and get a job as a software developer—just like I had envisioned in high school.

But now, I felt the distance between me, and my passion for the subject drifting ever farther away.

These issues all spawned from the biggest problem I could never find the solution to:

Should I really wave the white flag, give up on my current path, and go towards something that I haven’t the slightest clue whether it will work out?

Or am I just in a lull period, where I feel less motivation towards my work than usual, and this thing is truly meant for me—I just need to keep pushing through.

For this problem, specifically, that thing I wanted to go towards was entrepreneurship, and full-time content creation.

And in the end, I switched my major to cognitive science and finished my bachelor’s degree, all while continuing to post content.

While I am technically not using my degree (since content creation became my full-time gig soon after graduating), I am still happy that I stayed in college, and switched my major.

Because cognitive science ended up indirectly contributing to the type of content I would soon make.

But getting to that decision was far from easy.

I’m sure many of you can relate to the feeling I’m describing here.

Discerning between something that’s meant for us to keep pursuing, but has its moments where it feels unbearable, and something that we genuinely should not be moving towards can feel impossibly mystifying.

But I think I figured it out in that life-defining period during college.

The thing that you should not be moving towards, that needs to change, should be producing a voice within you that screams.

This voice, which you've probably ignored, or has been silenced by other people's opinions, will be yelling at you to do something.

It will pierce your insides, causing deep discomfort that can only be remedied through serious changes in your routine.

If you're having trouble locating this voice, you may need to spend an abnormal amount of time sitting in silence until you find it again.

But that "piercing" is it's defining characteristic.

The thing that you should keep pursuing will feel like blissful agony.

You will know how much that thing means to you, because breaking through those periods of creative blocks and difficulties will feel like paradise.

(Unlike the thing that's not meant for you, which produces breakthroughs that make you feel indifferent once achieved.)

So really, the answer lies in that inner voice's loudness, how it reverberates through you, and how you feel after conquering any endeavor's inevitable difficulties.

Learn to cultivate your attention to these two things, and you'll find your true direction.

Just like I was able to find mine.

Developing Inner Stillness

That inner stillness—that ability to discern between the negative voices that are trying to hurt your growth, and the voices that are on your side, pushing you to grow—is one of the most important skills to develop if you want to start moving in the direction that’s best for you.

I wanted to create a complete resource for you to learn this skill, and every other technique I’ve used to become the most mentally, physically and financially fulfilled I’ve ever been.

And that is why I created my self mastery school.

The Ultimate Self Mastery School is a place for those who want to actualize their greatest potential, strengthen their self awareness, build better habits, and develop a fulfilling life.

The school features 14 videos with 15+ worksheets, a guided meditation, and an exclusive community where we all hold each other accountable and give further advice.

It’s a culmination of years of research on behavioral science, psychology, and of course, trial and error from my own life.

And it’s specifically designed for those who want to go deeper than superficial YouTube videos/articles, make close friends who uplift them, and gain a better understanding of themselves.

Being able to actually apply the advice you receive, and get consistent feedback from like-minded people are probably the two most important factors in seeing permanent change.

And I’m guessing you currently feel like you can’t talk to anyone in real life about your struggles with self-development, right?

That’s why our community meets in a group coaching call every other week to make sure we are all staying on the path towards self mastery.

It’s also been an incredible way for everyone to open up about things that they have been going through, have accountability surrounding the habits we are trying to build/remove, and get feedback and advice without judgement.

And because of that, the friendships in there feel genuine.

It’s easily the most fulfilling thing I’ve ever created.

Here's some recent wins from our community:

So If you're ready to join our community, finally have that rare group of inspiring people you’ve been struggling to find in real life, and create your next chapter, you can check out all the details by clicking here.

Watch the intro video on that page to see if the course is right for you.

But if you’re not ready to commit to permanent change, you can join my free community first by clicking here.

Hope to see you in there.

Quote of The Week

When a man journeys toward his destiny, often he is obliged to change paths. All this is part of the apprenticeship.

Paulo Coelho

Thanks for reading, everyone. Hope you enjoy your weekend.



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