Your Idea Of Success Is Wrong

Success is almost never what you think it will be when you start.

I was so close to striking myself in the head with my fist when I saw it.

Another video that only got 150 views on YouTube.

I had been posting for 3 years, and made a whopping total of $0.

Still though, I was hopeful. I had this intuitive feeling that deep down, if I just kept posting videos, doing what I loved, I would achieve the success I was working so hard for.

My channel at the time mainly revolved around fitness content, and the videos that performed the best were full day of eating videos.

I thought this was my gateway to finally getting monetized, and I wasn’t willing to think otherwise.

Boy was I wrong.

Luckily, every once in a while, I decided to post a self-improvement type of video, just for fun.

What happened next was something I could’ve never prepared for.

Several months after posting a video on “Nofap + Cold Showers + Journaling For 90 Days”, the video randomly started gaining a bunch of traction.

I went from 1000 to 10,000 subscribers in just a couple months—achieving 10 times what I had achieved in the past 3 years of posting.

That meant that 9000 of my subscribers were here for self-improvement content.

I knew this was the new direction I needed to go in, because this was the type of content people were really resonating with.

From that point onward, I uploaded almost exclusively self-improvement videos.

And the rest is history.

The biggest lesson you can take away from this story is how malleable you have to be to your idea of success.

You might think that the way you’re trying to achieve success right now is the only way you will achieve the career and financial goals you want, but here’s something no one is willing to tell you.

Even if you work just as hard as the next person who “made it” (or even harder), it doesn’t guarantee you’ll ever “make it”.

The most successful people know that the first real success comes from realizing that your idea of success wasn’t the right idea after all.

We all know constantly trying to chase the next shiny object and change careers every couple months is a bad idea.

But doing the same thing after many years of trying to get better, and getting little to no results is just as bad.

At some point, you might have the thought of, “maybe I need to try to switch things up a bit”.

And so long as it isn’t a complete 180 from what you were previously doing, you can usually take the knowledge you learned from your previous endeavor, and apply it to your new pivot. (But before you even consider that, try at one thing for at least a couple years.)

You might just be one small change away from the results you desire.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, just like I did.

Most people aren’t willing to show up for years on something producing little to no results at the start—which is pretty inevitable when beginning any new career path.

One of my biggest goals after becoming the most physically, financially, and mentally fulfilled I’ve ever been, was to teach people how to build their resilience within a community.

Because this self-improvement journey can get really lonely.

And it still blows my mind how many people aren’t willing to talk about self-improvement in real life.

Imagine you were part of a community like that.

A community that held you accountable for getting better, that taught you when to keep going VS when to quit, and develop skills that improved all areas of your life.

Kind of like a school, but for self-improvement.

I wanted to make this into a reality.

And that is why I created my Self Mastery School.

The Self Mastery School is a place for those who want to actualize their greatest potential, strengthen their self awareness, build better habits, and develop a fulfilling life.

When you join the school, you’ll get access to:

  • Full length courses/eBooks

  • Weekly coaching calls and lectures (related to self-awareness, making money online, social skills, etc.)

  • An exclusive community of ambitious, open-minded people

  • In person meetups (coming soon)

The friendships in there feel genuine.

And I have a feeling you’re going to find your tribe in there, too.

Here's some wins from our community:

If you're ready to join our community, and finally have that rare group of inspiring people you’ve been struggling to find in real life, click the button below.

I’ll see you in there.

Quote of The Week

“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.”

Lao Tzu

Thanks for reading, everyone. Hope you enjoy your weekend.



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