Focusing On Yourself Will Never Be Enough

Locking yourself in your room for "the grind" will never compare to this.

When I went back home 2 weeks ago, my friend was hosting a Memorial Day cookout.

I had expected it to go like any other cookout I attended.

We’d chat around the grill, lay the food out buffet-style, and find a place to sit outside, dispersed amongst several small groups.

After the food was arranged on the dinner table inside, something strange started to happen.

Even though there was virtually no room to set down your plate, people decided to sit down at the dinner table that the ribs, baked potatoes, and salad covered.

I grabbed a chair from a different room and squeezed myself between two of my friends, remaining silent.

I only knew about half the people there. And, being my introverted self, I thought this would lead to a weird dynamic.

But the entire table flowed through conversations like everybody was old friends.

We went through a few rounds of laughs, and I startled myself when I felt tears swelling up in my eyes.

Genuine tears, genuine laughter.

And I realized that there is nothing that truly matters more than this.

I can’t remember the last time I had the opportunity to have a proper dinner surrounded by great people.

I don’t think anything heals the soul more than genuine connections enhanced by good food in an intimate setting.

But traditional dinners are dying.

Both families and friends take part in this activity less frequently.

If you ever have the chance to sit around a dining table in a comfortable home with your closest companions, never, ever skip this opportunity.

And if you don’t, try to rally some friends together for a proper dinner within the next few weekends.

I bet you’ll experience more healing in those few hours than the myriad of days you’ve been spending “focusing on yourself”

That being said, I do understand the sentiment of wanting to find friends to not just have fun with, but friends that will push you to grow.

One of my biggest goals after becoming the most physically, financially, and mentally fulfilled I’ve ever been, was to teach people how to reach their highest potential within a community.

Because this self-improvement journey can get really lonely.

And it still blows my mind how many people aren’t willing to talk about self-improvement in real life.

Imagine you were part of a community like that.

A community that held you accountable for getting better, and develop skills that completely changed the way you feel about yourself.

Kind of like a school, but for self-improvement.

I wanted to make this into a reality.

And that is why I created my Self Mastery School.

The Self Mastery School is a place for those who want to actualize their greatest potential, strengthen their self awareness, build better habits, and develop a fulfilling life.

When you join the school, you’ll get access to:

  • Full length courses/eBooks

  • Weekly coaching calls and lectures (related to self-awareness, making money online, social skills, etc.)

  • An exclusive community of ambitious, open-minded people

  • In person meetups (coming soon)

The friendships in there feel genuine.

And I have a feeling you’re going to find your tribe in there, too.

Here's some wins from our community:

If you're ready to join our community, and finally have that rare group of inspiring people you’ve been struggling to find in real life, click the button below.

I’ll see you in there.

Quote of The Week

It's the sense of what family is at the dinner table. It was the joy of knowing mother was in the kitchen making our favorite dish. I wish more people would do this and recall the joy of life.

Paul Prudhomme

Thanks for reading, everyone. Hope you enjoy your weekend.



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