Every Conversation Could Change Your Life

The importance of random encounters.

I experienced a bit of Thanksgiving magic this morning.

As I was waiting for my coffee to dispense out of the machine in my apartment’s lobby, there was a woman finishing off her coffee with some creamer.

She turned to me and noticed my Berserk tattoo on my arm, (it’s a panel of Guts’ eyes) and asked me what the meaning behind it was.

I told her where it came from, and how it represented the perserverence of the main character in the story, even through all his suffering.

Her eyes lit up. It gave her a window of opportunity to share her incredible story of suffering. And she began to let it all pour out.

She was born in Africa, and moved to India at a young age. When she was just 4 years old, her father committed suicide.

One year, she had won the Femina Miss India, but later got it stripped away due to reasons she couldn’t explain.

She’s had three husbands. She now raises 3 kids alone. She told me of the voices she’s heard since a young age, and her strong belief in Hinduism.

But just 6 months ago, she met Jesus in church, after being a denier of Christianity for years.

While asking Jesus what she should do, she felt a strong wind push her to the ground. As her hand lay open, she described how she felt his hand touching hers, his blue eyes, and white sheen surrounding his body.

It was a remarkable story.

To the skeptics out there: I understand. It sounds crazy, but she was very well spoken, and I fully believe she was telling the truth of her reality.

There was a lot of lessons you could take from an encounter like this, but I think it really highlights the importance of being open and curious to strangers.

Somehow, this random woman felt comfortable enough to share her entire life story to me.

I remained calm through it all, and was very receptive to what she had gone through.

I was in no rush to leave, and as a result, I came out of the conversation recharged—like a weight had been lifted off of me.

You don’t get many opportunities for a complete energy shift if you close yourself off from random encounters, and never face the world without putting up a shield.

So here’s a different perspective for you:

Each new person you come across has their own reality, with it’s own quirks, stories, hardships, failures, and triumphs.

And more people will give you a chance to peer in, if you train yourself to be open, to look at others in the eye, and be genuinely interested in what reality they have to share with you.

Curiosity is the gateway to a conversation that could change your life.

Feeling socially anxious can be one of the biggest deterrents to genuine connections with strangers.

And it’s likely you still deal with that anxiety due to the negative parts of your identity that have defined your life up until this point.

I wanted to create a community where people could start the process of shifting their identity from closed off and fearful, to socially confident and open.

And that is why I created my Self Mastery School.

Self Mastery School is a place for those who want to actualize their greatest potential, strengthen their self awareness, and develop a fulfilling life philosophy.

It’s designed to help you stop the cycle of negative thoughts, and grow past your current identity that is paralyzed by simple conversations.

When you join the school, you’ll get access to:

  • Full length courses/eBooks (including my Ultimate Self Mastery Course)

  • Weekly coaching calls and lectures (related to self-awareness, making money online, social skills, fitness, etc.)

  • An exclusive community of ambitious, open-minded people

It’s a place for those who feel like they can’t talk to anyone about self-improvement in real life, and are trying to find their tribe.

The friendships in there feel genuine.

And I have a feeling you’re going to find your tribe in there, too.

Here's some wins from our community:

If you're ready to join our community, and finally have that rare group of inspiring people you’ve been struggling to find in real life, click the button below.

I’ll see you in there.

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Quote of The Week

“To be a successful random connector, you must trust first and foremost—from the moment you leave your house each day—that the world is a friendly place.”

David Topus

Thanks for reading, everyone. Hope you enjoy your weekend.



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